samedi 30 août 2014

Paris awaits a distinct winter tourist season after the decline of tourism in the summer season

Predicted in charge of Economic Monitoring in the tourism sector French Thomas Deschamps winter tourism market recovery as there are some events that are expected to attract many tourists after that over the summer tourism season this year because of the economic situation in moderation, which is still influenced by the movement of tourism.

He said: "For Ross has declined in number by 5% during the first half of this year, compared with an increase of 14% over the same period last year due to the conflict in Ukraine The Japanese have been affected by the deterioration of the yen because of the economic situation has succeeded Chinese in Affinity reaching one million tourists compared to 800 thousand in the last year, and occupied 2.8% of the hotels in the first half of this year. "
It is expected to attract cultural events, many of the tourists, where is held the World Cup cars in the period from 4 to 9 October as the re-opening of the Museum "Picasso" during the month of November, and exhibition of the American artist, "Jeff - Koons" at the Georges Pompidou Center, which attracts a large number of visitors. 
It is noteworthy that France has seen in the past year a number of tourists reached 47 million tourists in 2013 and the number of honorary such as an increase of 26.2% and 3.8% of Americans. 
It is worth noting that Paris has a variety of museums, theaters and monuments that were built over the centuries, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe and the Louvre Museum and the Palace of Versailles. 
Paris is one of the largest art centers in the world on its proximity to a large number of museums, which includes paintings by prominent artists as that of the kitchen where the city's international reputation attracts chefs in the world. 
And occupies the French capital Paris, the first place in 2013 and holds the title of tourist destination's first international conferences and meetings in accordance with the annual evaluation conducted by the Association of conventions and international conferences global "ICCA" for 2013 for more 20 global destinations hosting international conferences and meetings.

Switzerland's finest chocolates .. you find in shops cheaper

Chocolate lovers heading of tourists in the city of Zurich in Switzerland for the most part to stores such as the famous Spreungle but they lost this opportunity to learn about lesser-known shops in the narrow streets of the old town such as "Honold," which are difficult to find without a guided tour.

It is the most delicious desserts in place of "Honold" those known as the "Beast Otaz" 'made ​​of beads and Alnogh tonka and milk chocolate and other ingredients found in professional kitchens. 
According to the site, "CNN. The. The "make some chocolate bars with strange ingredients such as plant Alizkr, says tour guide Kirin Rosset The secret in making candy-tasting fabulous lies in a balance between the ingredients used. 
It is important to know where the maker of cocoa beans, because the taste depends on it, and Rosset says he can not rely on what is written on the plates of chocolate figures show the amount of sugar or cocoa to know the quality. 
Rosset has lived in Zurich for six years, working as a tutor tourism since 2011, having observed that most of the knowledge in Zurich shops do not know her favorite chocolates. 
It replaces the old shops "Kondettora Baclard Shopper" which is located in an old building which is the famous coffee-making and also provides cold drink chocolate and other confectionery products, ice cream, and in order to enjoy the taste Rosset he says one should not even let her chew the chocolate melts. 
It should be noted that Zurich is one of the most important cities of Switzerland and the largest ever, and is located in the center north of the country close to the German border on Lake Zurich, the city is renowned companies banking services, which are classified as the best in the world, has got Swiss city of Zurich on the best city to live in the world for three years in a row.

20 thousand tourists taking part in the celebrations of throwing 140 thousand kilos of tomatoes in Spain

The first part of Wednesday, more than twenty thousand people in the town of Buñuel celebrations in the province of Valencia or Valencia in eastern Spain known as the celebration of "No Tomattina", and after that the municipality operates trucks full of tomatoes turned it weighed 140 tons, and then distributed.

The celebration began at eleven in the morning, for an hour, and the most important rules that everyone has the right to throw whatever tomatoes for an hour, due to the nature of the celebration of the special must be for the participant to wear protective clothing, sunglasses, hats, and at the same time, the citizens poured water on participants in the celebration of the contribution on their balconies in Tnzifam of them commented that their tomatoes. 
According to census the municipality, the percentage of participants from Australia reached this year, 12 per cent, and the British 11 per cent, and Japanese 10 per cent, and 7 per cent from the United States, and 6 per cent of Spain, and 5 per cent of India, and 4 per cent from the Netherlands, and 3 per cent of Germany as well as from Canada. 
And other ratios ranged between 2 and 1 per cent from other countries such as South Korea, New Zealand, Portugal, Belgium, Ireland, Brazil, France, and Italy. 
In order to participate in the celebration For co-pledge not to throw tomatoes only after its time so as not to damage the strong one another, and stop firing if the announcement of the end of the celebration, and not to approach a lot of trucks carrying tomatoes, and the need to use special glasses such as those used in diving, It also prevents the removal of the shirt and throw it on others. 
The municipality has prepared a medical team consists of fourteen and sixteen nurse, doctor, and a dozen ambulances and a mobile hospital, and a helicopter, and about two hundred people from the civil defense. 
A member of the municipal council in the city and an official celebration «Tomattina» This year, Rafael Perez that the celebration has been a quite satisfactory, there has been no accident insignificant except for treatment of a person from a wound in his hand, and another was suffering from some trauma, was taken to hospital. 
The medical team who treated some of the injured complained of their eyes because of tomato juice, were treated on the spot, without the need to review the hospital, and that ended the ceremony even began 300 people from the cleaners and three trucks to pump water hoses to clean up the place.

Tourists taking pictures and funny rare for a guard Britain's Queen

Known to guard the British Queen appearance hard with Atsafhm a high degree of discipline and focus on doing their duties in the face of hundreds of tourists who flock to the housing property in London, but one of them violates this rule, when seized by the camera with a smile in the face of the visitors claimed the record bale filmed moves and housing.

The video clips showed a guard standing in front of Buckingham Palace in London has been drawing an expression is not without irony mixed with humor on his face in the snapshot again, shaking his head under his hat that has become a hallmark for them and in the third, a shot out his tongue for the visitor to the Palace.
The best known members of the battalion guards the Queen not to interact with visitors remain where their faces devoid of any expression with a higher focus on the performance of their duties and their job in receivership.
It was on this video collection of mixed reactions on YouTube While some praised him out of that video comic criticized by others for being contrary to the rules of respect.
The tourists had succeeded last March in breaking the barrier of sobriety with a guards Queen siding with one side of these guards and delivering some of the jokes and skits, hoping to take out the guard of the nature of the grim and put a smile on his lips, which is what actually happened, where to stop tourists next to the guard who was wearing a uniform and looked in front of him and on his face looks features rigor and focus at work, and then began a tourist, named Yankel to talk to the camera, which was portrayed by a group of his friends.
And began Yankel talking about memories of you know the soldier 30 years ago, a time that they were together at the school Pkinsington, said "It was not talkative at all, and would have preferred to sit in one aspect, and spends his time reading and answering questions by shaking his head."
In the meantime, try the soldier suppress his smile but Yankel did not stop but continued his speech by saying that the mother of the soldier had come to take him out of school to be at the age of 20 years, and here he smiled goalkeeper to resound beyond the cries of joy by Yankel and his friends, and then began dancing in celebration of what happened, The footage shows the guard and face different expressions.

mardi 26 août 2014

"Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority" is leading 14 of the partners in a promotional tour with 5 Indian cities

Regulate "the Abu Dhabi Authority for Tourism and Culture," a promotional tour in five Indian cities, and in order to maintain the current momentum of tourist traffic coming from India, which topped the list of foreign markets for the emirate in terms of the number of guests from its citizens installations hotel in Abu Dhabi.

And include the tour, which runs until August 29, with the participation of 14 of the actors involved and the tourism sector in Abu Dhabi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai and New Delhi.

And received a hotel establishments in the emirate 107.995 inmates Indians during the first half of this year, a growth rate of 35% compared to the same period of 2013, and who had spent 408 862 hotel nights more than 22% for the first half of last year, and an average of 3.79 nights for per guest.

The Mubarak Al Nuaimi, director of promotion and overseas offices in the "Abu Dhabi Authority for Tourism and Culture" to be tourist destination benefit from increasing growth in the network of flights from Indian cities key to the UAE capital through the services of "Etihad Airways" and its partner "Jet Airways".

And going, "Etihad Airways" is currently 112 weekly flights from 10 Indian cities to "Abu Dhabi International Airport."

Naimi said: "We expect to be directed attention to our destination tourism in this important market with the impending launch during the month of October next film Bollywood huge production was filmed partly in Abu Dhabi also will open Chef Indian World Sanjeev Kapoor's own restaurant in the towers," The Nation Towers' on the Corniche in Abu Dhabi ".

The guests Indians about 15% of the volume of activity, "St. Regis Hotel Abu Dhabi" in the field of entertainment and holidays, and that both cohorts, groups or individual holidays.

For his part, attracted Hotel "Yas Viceroy Abu Dhabi," the only one in the world, overlooking the circuit for Formula 1 Grand Prix of many large Indian weddings where bouquets included all of them on the reservation has increased to 200 rooms, and looks forward to attract at least 3 weddings this year.

In turn ask the hotel "Le Royal Meridien" package of services to meet the specific needs of the Indian guest, including the provision of restaurants serving Indian dishes traditional and modern throughout the day.

Showing "the largest video art collection in the world" at the Phoenicia Hotel in Beirut during September

Planned hotel "Venice Intercontinental Beirut" during the month of September, opening the way to the World for the first time in the hotel industry with the creative experience for guests, residents and visitors to view part of the largest collection of video art in the world made ​​of "Rebecca Rousseau," President of the Foundation of Art and Science "Video Insight" .

The details will be published this offer in an exclusive interview in the Journal of the Phoenicia Intercontinental Hotel this month.

As evidenced by the restaurant "Yu Fei or" next month, opening the season cuisine with seafood dishes from oysters and various drinks while guests can complete their pleasure and visitors daily at the health club and enjoy a massage to ensure a state of relaxation and getting rid of internal tensions.

Mrs. Janet Abrahams, director of sales and marketing in the hotel "Beirut Venice" and "Le Vendome" Beirut on the importance of the show, which is held for the first time to entertain guests and visitors.

"We look forward to your participation in the fun days and nights that Tqdunha at the Phoenicia Hotel in order to enrich the lives and ensure Qdaúkm were times of fun do not forget."

The Phoenicia Hotel Beirut recently launched a distinctive bouquets to host visitors and guests from the GCC countries in addition to hosting conferences, regional and international companies from the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf states and other countries of the world.

It is noteworthy that the "Venice Beirut," the five-star and overlooking the Mediterranean Sea is considered the most distinguished in terms of luxury Beirut hotel, which makes it the perfect tourist destination in the Lebanese capital.

This is the preferred hotel guests from the GCC and Levant, as well as visitors from Europe because of the easy access to Beirut and the Mediterranean climate magician and luxury lifestyle and diversity of nightlife and culture thoroughbreds, shopping malls and diverse summer festivals that do not stop.

Ms. Janet Abrahams said tempting offers that have been launched recently suitable for all guests and visitors coming to the Lebanese capital in the summer, pointing out that "these offers will continue until the end of September 2014 to provide an opportunity for visitors to enjoy the summer vacations."

lundi 25 août 2014

Flight Global": "Emirates' third most profitable airline in the past year

Solved «Emirates Group» in third place as the most specialized groups in the profitability of the air transport sector over the past year after it posted a net profit of 1.1 billion dollars, according to the report of the magazine «Flight Global» about airline performance for 2013.
The data showed that «Emirates Group» finished fourth in terms of operating profit achieved during its fiscal year, the last time in which the group also dissolved in eighth place worldwide in terms of total revenue recorded.

The report stated that the "Emirates" of the group is one of the fastest growing airlines in recent years.

According to the data has been solved group «Delta Airlines» American in the first place after it posted a net profit of 2.7 billion, excluding special items, came Japan Airlines «toured» in third place the value of profits during the last year 1.6 billion dollars, while solving all of the lines «South West air» American, and the company «Ryanair» Irish in the fourth and fifth profit amounted to 754 and 702 million dollars each, respectively.

The «Emirates Group» announced it continues to make a profit for the year 26, respectively, and continued growth in the various activities of the group by continuing to expand its global presence in all areas as it showed the annual financial report of the group that its net profit for the financial year 2013/2014 grew by 32% compared with a profit the past year.

The revenue for the Group 87.8 billion dirhams, or 23.9 billion dollars, a growth rate of 13% for revenues the previous year, while revenue recorded «Emirates» a new record high, reaching 82.6 billion dirhams, or 22.5 billion dollars, while reaching profit to 3.3 billion dirhams ie 887 million dollars.

The Group has maintained a strong position to its cash balances at 19 billion dirhams during the financial year 2013/2014, and scored a total investment «Emirates Group» highest number in one fiscal year, it increased to 22 billion dirhams.

"British Airways" gives travelers the opportunity to learn the best way to ensure the most appropriate price for tickets

Anyone looking for the best deals from the UAE to fly to London and Europe or North America to make a reservation for a trip on British Airways for up to 72 hours compared to less than 5 pounds, or approximately 30 AED through the website

This option allows customers enough time to make sure that they were happy with the prayer before the trip pay for it, and when the desire of customers to confirm the reservation within 72 hours of deposit paid will be refunded to the customer's account and pay the purchase price of the flight ticket.

The cost of making the booking initial per person on short-range flights from London's Heathrow airport 5 pounds or 30 AED only while making this booking trips long-term cost 10 pounds sterling, or approximately 61 dirhams per person.

Said Drew Crawley, commercial director of British Airways: "It may be frustrating to find the right price on the trip desired and the inability to make a booking immediately, either because you first need to apply for leave of absence from the workplace or ascertain the wishes of family or friends then you may miss the opportunity and It is not possible to find vacant seats on the flight or desired to find the prices are high.

Our clients can now know the price, and book their seats with making sure the amount they will pay this opportunity is available for a period of three days, and showed us some of the results of the polls, the customer that this feature will be very popular and will give them enough time to pick the time of the trip that suits them, making sure they get the best deals ".

And are asked to name one person to set up a reservation and add the names of the rest of the passengers within 72 hours of booking can also keep the seats reserved for 21 days before departure.

dimanche 24 août 2014

Researchers contend .. scanners at airports tool fake fail to detect concealed weapons

After that raised scanners used in airports sensation after it was revealed that they show half-naked pictures of passengers, also appeared fresh criticism on them recently after researchers stressed as a tool incapable of detecting concealed weapons in clothing.

Where researchers suggests that the best American universities scanner can be fooled quickly and fails to recognize objects prohibited cross covered with plastic sheeting or placed under clothing.

Results which will be announced within the conference Usenix Security in San Diego, also indicate that scanner software impenetrable to display images at right angles certain or by covering certain parts of the body in ways that would be undetectable, according to scientists .

In spite of that the Transportation Safety Administration in America has stopped last year for the use of scanners, after 4 years, after a wave of anger from passengers for being cause stripped naked, still working scanners in some government facilities such as prisons, as well as at some airports around the world in several countries, including Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya. The researchers pointed out in the same context that the original approval on the scanners came to cast doubt about the safety of the transport management approach for assessing the technology they use now.

Previously, that American authorities spent an estimated 600 million pounds to install these scanners at 160 Airport before they remove them in the final last year.

He said one of the lead researchers, named Alex Halderman: "These machines have been tested in secret, and probably has these tests without thinking in the mindset of the opponent, and thinking about how the attackers adaptation techniques used."

He pointed out that these scanners may be useful in dealing with aggressors naive, but it will not benefit with the use of intelligence to overcome such modern tools.

Hotels in the UAE launches 50% discounts to attract tourists in the Eid al-Adha

Hotels in the UAE has launched promotional offers discounts of 50% to enhance occupancy and attract visitors and tourists during the holiday Eid al-Adha and beyond, according to sources working in the sector.

The offerings include «provide prices on hospitality services, and restaurants in addition to accommodation deals to be three nights for the price of two at the time and continued to apply the policy of the hotels special offers for children».

The organizers of the hotels for their expectations to achieve record occupancy during the holiday Eid al-Adha with the advent of new tourist groups to the state other than activating the movement of domestic tourism in conjunction with this occasion.

Said Dominique Mercier Director Novotel Al Bustan Abu Dhabi: «We hope that the hotel is an ideal destination for guests who want to spend the holiday of Eid al-Adha, we are working as a team to improve our services at all levels ensure that we gain customer loyalty on the one hand, and maintaining the level of the hotel sector upscale State ».

He Mercier: «The hotel offers several options for guests, whether for entertainment or shopping», he added: «The proportion of running the hotel, which includes 361 rooms are 100% afterthought that the hotel despite the opening of a short time, but it attracts tourists and families of citizenship and resident due to the presence of outstanding facilities , and six restaurants, and cafes, and seven meeting rooms, a ballroom, and, in addition to entertainment, and wellness facilities ».

In turn, said Philip Montbaan general manager of Hotel Novo Thiel Barsha Dubai: «The launch of these presentations over the movement of the summer and expected to be 100% occupancy rates during the holiday of Eid al-Adha».

He continued: «The strategy of Accor Group, which owns the hotel focuses on providing excellent services is working to provide a great experience, and a refined lifestyle».

He stressed the keenness of the design of the hotel and offers different packages to meet different tastes, ranging from where to enjoy the residence with the family package or the package tourist as well as weekend packages to encourage tourists from other emirates on domestic tourism.

jeudi 21 août 2014

"Tschuggen Grand Hotel" in Arosa Swiss poses special package for girls

Tschuggen Grand Hotel offers a trip for girls beyond the usual, as no shopping or concerts, but not men sport and eat healthy eating and relaxing in the mountains long Grezonz.

And after exercise in nature, accompanied by a special coach and relax in an oasis Chagn mountain and enjoy a balanced diet is no doubt that every woman will feel lively and recovery, and after will have the girls the opportunity to experience the fashion show with trained official posts in the Miss Switzerland.

Grand Hotel offers Chagn "Tschuggen Grand Hotel" in Arosa for girls the opportunity to experience the test in the arms of a beautiful nature Vbagh girls Girls gone wild is based on the exercise in the beautiful nature surrounding the hotel, which is designed especially to meet the desires of girlfriends who want to spend fun times together.

These include the package stay for two nights at the hotel with two meals a day and classes for sixty minutes with a special coach can be designed to suit the requirements of each girl, and include the package also ticket free entry to one Chagn mountain and train Chagn Express rapid private hotel.

This offer is valid for groups of at least four girls and can be booked between July 4 and September 21, 2014 and between November 28 and December 4, 2014 from 630 Swiss francs, equivalent to almost 525 euros per person.

The Grand Hotel offers Chagn for girls the opportunity to experience the fashion show with trained posts in the Miss Switzerland Christina Iuksymovich.

In addition to practicing to walk in the shoes with a high heel, you will learn how to improve the posts also way Qovhen rotation and how to sit down and take off the jacket and take positions suitable for photos.

Receives this workshop at least four girls at a starting price of 300 Swiss francs, equivalent to almost 250 euros per person and duration of 90 minutes, and can be booked at the hotel as an activity further.

Underwater museum in the Red Sea in Egypt to attract 300 thousand tourists

Said Dr. Abdel Fattah Irons Head coaches recreational diving in the Red Sea area that is currently being implemented a campaign to promote tourism in the area of ​​Dahab and Sharm el-Sheikh.

He pointed out that the group «any Dave tribe» I dive tribe to preserve the environment in conjunction with the sector reserves in southern Sinai under the Ministry of Environment, and divers «Dahab» professionals will plunge the second installment of the statues within the project for the establishment of an underwater museum Coast «Dahab».

The President of the coaches recreational diving in the Red Sea area that the museum will be in two phases the first Thursday, August 28th, and the second Thursday, September 4th next, and held lectures environmental awareness on the sidelines of efficiency?, Adding that the project attracts 300 thousand tourists a year of amateur diving in the Red Sea and the Dahab .

He pointed out that this comes in the context of maintaining the coral reefs, and the marine environment, and promoting tourism, explaining that he had been 3 years since the implementation of the first part of the project to plunge the 3 statues.

He said that the project will be held for volunteers own efforts in the framework of the environment and stimulate the diving tourism sector in conjunction with the South Sinai Protectorates Department of Tourism and the Ministry of Tourism.

The Chairman of the coaches recreational diving in the Red Sea area to the artist Hamed Mohamed lecturer Sculpture Faculty of Fine Arts in Luxor has carved 3 statues ready for dumping, and the artist will be the formation of the statue fourth in «Dahab» to provide an opportunity for the fans to watch the event on the ground before being presented under the water.

Abizaid and «Irons» that the aim of the project is to preserve the coral reefs across Created dive sites alternative to ease pressure on existing sites prone yard, and finding a new environment suitable for the growth of coral reefs, and provide a place of living a new and convenient to aquatic organisms through the use of local raw materials are not harmful to nature and harmonized with aquaculture and coral reefs.

mercredi 20 août 2014

The Philippine Department of Tourism launches campaign "Kids Go Free"

The Ministry of Tourism in cooperation with the Philippine travel partners from the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait announced the launch of the campaign "Kids Go Free", the first of its kind in the Gulf region to reinforce the status of the Philippines as a destination for tourism and the ideal entertainment for families and their children.

Where the campaign is designed to be valid throughout the period of Eid al-Adha, and the launch of the campaign came in the Shangri-La Hotel Dubai on August 18, was to clarify the contents of the campaign of detailed information about travel to the Philippines, presentations and tourism activities for the entire family.

And began a campaign of "Kids Go Free" recently to re-submit the Philippines as a destination family featured in addition to being available for all of the non-families with package deals offered by the campaign directly at the end of October 2014, and include a stay 6 nights for 7 days to two children from each family under the age of 11 years as they can enjoy all the exciting activities with meals and accommodation with other experiments for free.

The offerings include families stay for 3 nights in Manila, followed by 3 nights extra in different areas, including Cebu and Palawan and Boracay and Bohol and Davao also includes performances dedicated to the families of transport from the airport with daily breakfast and a tour for half a day from Manila to the destination of the proposed free with more than 30 hotels and resorts ranging from 3 to 5-star luxury class participants in this campaign.

Mr. Benito Ping Zone Deputy Minister of Tourism, Philippine We have launched this campaign exclusively for the families of the Middle East to promote the status of the Philippines leading travel with attractive offers, and encourage families and children to establish a complete luxury during the holiday of Eid al-Adha next.

He also stressed that the level of demand for the Philippine Tourism has increased steadily for the number of people who visit the Philippines from the Middle East, where the recorded numbers 68 916 visits in 2013, an increase of 20% compared to the number of registered visitors in 2012, and replaced Saudi Arabia ranked first number reached 38 969 visitors The UAE came second with 15155.

"The Economist": Melbourne at the forefront of the world's cities to live in 2014, for the fourth year in a row and Damascus in the bottom of the list

Melbourne has maintained its title as the best usual city to live in the world, according to the latest global survey of living conditions for the unity of the economic survey (EIU).

And won the city (97.5) from (100) points, occupies the first rank this year after it topped the list during the last three years, as befell the Austrian capital Vienna, secondly by obtaining (97.4 points), and replaced the city, "Vancouver" Canadian Thirdly b (97.3 points), and was the Melbourne and Vienna have obtained the same order as last year.

Melbourne achieved high scores in all criteria and economic reconnaissance unit, and check grades ideal in the areas of health care, education and infrastructure. Emerged and continued investment in infrastructure, world-class in Melbourne in the report to keep Melbourne in the upper part of the index.

The report indicates that the instability prevailing in some countries may have affected the positions in the list In the introduction to the cities come Bangkok, and the same applies to the Syrian capital Damascus, which lasts a year in the fall, despite the escalation of the incident in Iraq, but it is not reflected on the ranking because Baghdad are not included in the survey.

Tehran, Iran and Tripoli in Libya and Amman in Jordan have seen their results improve this year, with periods of relative stability associated also decreases significantly the living conditions, but that the report confirms that, over the past five years, dropped the living conditions of the world in general and in the wake of the global economic crisis .

And included the top ten also cities, "Toronto", Canadian got (97.2 points), and "Adelaide" Australian b (96.6 points), and "Clajari" Canadian b (96.6 points) also, and "Sydney" Australian b (96.1 points), and the "Helsinki" Finnish b (96 points), and "Perth" Australian b (95.9 points), and "Oakland" by New Zealand (95 points).

Top 10 cities the most livable in 2013

1. Melbourne, Australia

2. Vienna, Austria

3 Vancouver, Canada

4. Toronto, Canada

5. Calgary, Canada

6. Adelaide, Australia

7 Sydney, Australia

8 Helsinki, Finland

9 Perth, Australia

10 Auckland, New Zealand

dimanche 17 août 2014

"Ritz-Carlton" reveal the opening of the first golf resort in China in late 2015

Revealed Ritz-Carlton plans to open its first golf resort in China, a "Ritz-Carlton, Mission Hills" in Haikou on the tropical island of Sanya in late 2015.

We have built the company "Mission Hills Golf Club" and this resort will be managed by Ritz-Carlton, which includes 201 rooms, including 21 villas and a private club, is located in the heart of the project "Haikou Mission Hills Golf Club," "which includes 10 golf courses worldwide.

In this context, he said Herve Hamlr President and Chief Operating Officer at The Ritz-Carlton, "is a golf resort the first in the region, a new step of growth for the Ritz-Carlton in the group resorts growing in the region, and like other golf facilities the world, and we expect to become the point of the darling of the traveler The luxurious international and his family. "

It should be noted that the city of Haikou near the resort, dubbed the city of Coconut has proved to be a center for business and new tourism in Hainan, a province famous for Haikou white sandy beaches clean, and the live teams sailing, windsurfing Chinese national, and reflect the historical sites the task, including the Temple of the masters of the five, The tomb "Hey Roy," and center Zaoyeng local maritime heritage is important.

The resort is designed engineering firm AECOM engineers while carrying interior design company signature "Hirsch Badner Associates", and includes five restaurants, a Ritz-Carlton resort, and recreational facilities include a large two playgrounds for tennis, and two swimming pools, and recreation hall.

The "Ritz-Carlton, Mission Hills" is also a space for conferences and meetings spread over 1480 square meters to host a well-organized events leave an unforgettable impression in the minds of the guests.

The company manages the Ritz-Carlton 75 hotels in the Americas, Europe and Asia and the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean, and has more than 30 projects of hotels and residential units under development in all parts of the world.